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What is a definition of a professional partnership in Poland?

A professional partnership shall be a partnership formed by partners with the purpose of practicing a libera professi

What should specify a deed of registered partnership in Poland?

According to article 25 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, a deed of registered partnership shall include in pa

What is a definition of a single-shareholder company in Poland?

A single-shareholder company is a capital company in which all the shares belong to one shareholder (article 4 paragraph 1 point 3 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code).

What is a legal definition of ‘property’ in polish law?

According to the article 44 of the Polish Civil Code, property is a ownership and other property rights.

Is it possible to transfer a commercial proxy in Poland?

A commercial Proxy cannot be transfer.

Where is a registered office of a legal person in polish law?

Article 41 of the Polish Civil Code states that, unless the law or the article of association based on the law provid

In what form a commercial proxy shall be granted in Poland?

In accordance with the article 109(2) paragraph 1 of the Polish Civil Code, a commercial proxy shall be grated in wri

What is the legal definition of ‘an enterprise’ under the Polish Civil Code?

In accordance with the article 55(1) of the Polish Civil Code, an enterprise is an organized set of tangible and inta

Who can be partially incapacitated?

An adult may be partially legally incapacitated due to mental illness, mental retardation or other mental disorder, i

What are the effects of lack of capacity for legal acts in Poland?

According to the article 13 paragraph 1 of the Polish Civil Code, a legal act performer by a person who does not have

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