A graduate traineeship can be done under the Graduate Traineeship Law dated 17 July 2009 (Journal of Laws No. 127, item 1052). Its objective is to make it easier for graduates to gather experience and obtain practical skills indispensible in work.
Our Law Firm can accept for a traineeship a person (a trainee) who has completed at least the third year of full-time law studies.
Traineeship is done under a written traineeship contract, which is signed by the Law Firm and the trainee. Traineeship can be paid or unpaid – in accordance with arrangements made case by case.
Trainee’s duties comprise auxiliary tasks accompanying provision of legal assistance to clients. These include notably:
In turn, our Law Firm makes it possible for the trainee to do the traineeship, gather professional experience and learn practical skills under supervision of legal advisers and within the time limit agreed case by case.
Legal trainees are obliged to keep secret anything they learn in the course of or in connection with work performance under the traineeship agreement. This obligation is not limited in time and its breach is subject to a contractual fine.
The obligation to keep secret applies to all items of information obtained by the Law Firm, and notably documents, memos, files and materials, either hard or soft copies. The list of our clients and the related fees are also confidential.
A traineeship contract can only be concluded for a period of 3 months at maximum. In case when the traineeship is:
Upon expiry of the traineeship contract and when requested by the trainee, our Law Firm can issue a written certificate of traineeship, stating the relevant skills acquired by the trainee.
Read more about traineeship, visit the website: elsakat.webd.pl