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How often the remuneration for work shall be paid in Poland?

Remuneration for work shall be paid at least once per month, at the same day of month fixed in advance.

Who can not be a member of a conciliation commission in accordance with the Polish Labour Code?

According to the article 246 of the Polish Labour Code, the following persons may not be members of a conciliation co

Who possesses a limited capacity for legal acts in Poland?

According to article 15 of the Polish Civil Code, minor who have reached the age of thirteen years, as w

What is the legal definition of the place of residence of a natural person in polish law?

The place of residence of a natural person is the locality where he resides with the intention of staying permanently

How a person performing a legal act may express his intention in polish law?

According to article 60 of the Polish Civil Code, unless otherwise provided by statute, a person performing a legal a

In what form a declaration of will of the person who cannot read shall be performed?

In accordance with article 80 of the Polish Code of Commercial Companies a declaration of will of a person who cannot

Personal rights and their protection in polish law

In pursuance of article 23 of the Polish Civil Code, a man’s personal rights, notably his health, liber

When a missing person may be declared dead in polish law?

In pursuance of article 29 of the Polish Civil Code, a missing person may be declared dead if the perio

Independent possessor and the dependent possessor in polish law

What is the difference between the independent possessor and the dependent possessor the the thing?

Definition of immovables in Poland

What is the legal definition of immovables?

According to article 46 of the Po